



Physics is one of the most fundamental natural sciences. It involves the study of universal laws, and of the behaviours and relationships among a wide range of physical phenomena. In addition to the relevance and intrinsic beauty of physics, the study of physics will enable students to develop an understanding of its practical applications in a wide variety of fields. With a solid foundation in physics, students should be able to appreciate both the intrinsic beauty and quantitative nature of physical phenomena, and the role of physics in many important developments in engineering, medicine, economics and other fields of science and technology. Study of the contributions, issues and problems related to innovations in physics will enable students to develop an integrative view of the relationships that hold between science, technology, society and the environment (STSE).



  • Develop interest in the physical world and maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity about it;
  • Construct and apply knowledge of physics, and appreciate the relationship between physical science and other disciplines;
  • Appreciate and understand the nature of science in physics-related contexts;
  • Develop skills for making scientific inquiries;
  • Develop the ability to think scientifically, critically and creatively, and to solve problems individually or collaboratively in physics-related contexts;
  • Understand the language of science and communicate ideas and views on physics-related issues;
  • Make informed decisions and judgments on physics-related issues; and
  • be aware of the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of physics, and develop an attitude of responsible citizenship.



Activity Highlights

Students designed their own balloon car for a racing competition


Students participated in the Hong Kong Technology and Renewable Energy Events and won some prizes

Useful Links

SJACS Moodle e-learning platform
Hong Kong Education city Online Question Bank (OQB)  
Google classroom  
Physics Simulation  
Physics World