There are two components in students’ assessments: summative assessments and formative assessments.
Summative Assessments
For Form One to Form Five classes, there are one test and one examination each term. For Form Six classes, two tests will be conducted in the first term, followed by a Mock Examination before the public examinations commence.
Weighting of summative assessments (Form One to Three)
1st term test |
1st term exam |
2nd term test |
2nd term exam |
20% |
80% |
20% |
80% |
40% |
60% |
Aggregate results: 100% |
Weighting of summative assessments (Form Four to Five)
1st term test |
1st term exam |
2nd term test |
2nd term exam |
20% |
80% |
20% |
80% |
30% |
70% |
Aggregate results: 100% |
Weighting of summative assessments (Form Six)
1st test |
2nd test |
Mock exam |
10% |
20% |
70% |
Aggregate results: 100% |
Formative Assessments
To monitor students’ learning progress, formative assessments are carried out in all subjects. Students’ performance in class activities, assignments and quizzes will contribute to a proportion of the results in summative assessments.
For more details, please click here:
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Tel: 37524500
Fax: 23252358
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