
Language Policy

Junior Secondary

Under the Medium of Instruction (MOI) Fine-tuning policy, our school is eligible to offer EMI classes in which all subjects, except Chinese Language, Putonghua, Chinese History and Religious Studies, are taught in English. Science and Integrated Humanities (IH) are taught in English in all classes at junior secondary levels. A mandatory English Bridging Course is held every summer to help new Form One students adapt to English being used as the medium of instruction.


Senior Secondary

Students’ preference of MOI of NSS elective subjects will be considered in the planning of MOI in each cohort.


Whole School Language Policy

Our school is dedicated to creating an English-rich environment for students. We adopt the following measures to widen students’ exposure to English:


  1. Our English teachers will communicate in English with students.
  2. There are two English-speaking days each week. The morning assemblies are conducted in English. The English Society will organize lunch activities for all students. Students are encouraged to take part in such activities and their participation will be recorded in the annex of the Students’ Report Cards.
  3. An English Week is to be held every year. English activities such as writing competitions, booth games and stage performances will be organized.
  4. Study tours to the English speaking countries under the supervision of our English teachers, are organized every summer to help students ‘immerse’ in an English-speaking environment.
  5. Students are encouraged to take part in various English activities such as the Speech Festival and English Drama. Our school has had an enviable record in the participation and achievements in these events.